Our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ takes many forms at First United Methodist Church. We try to simplify by CONNECTING people to God and each other, EQUIPPING ourselves through scripture, conversation and study, along with SENDING ourselves in mission. Even these three things get a little confusing at times.
Therefore, we have a journey statement that keeps us focused on moving forward. That statement is “WE FEED PEOPLE.” Over the last several years we, as a church, have committed to working with our neighbor churches, and the community to fight food insecurity. We provide free food in as many places to as many people as possible.
For our local Prairie Grove police department Halloween festival we committed to providing 3000 hot dogs. Appleseed Academy partnered with us to make this happen. With some uncooperative weather, we had at least 1000 hot dogs cooked and wrapped that were not given away. Thankfully, our church family is full of people with great connections and a commitment to being the hands and feet of Jesus.
Church member and COO at 7Hills homeless center, Steven Mills, made room for our surplus of hot dogs at the 7Hills day center. It was a great joy to deliver the hot dogs and see the gratitude of everyone there. As your pastor, I can’t thank everyone enough for your hard work and dedication to our journey of feeding people in the name of Christ.
I’m looking forward to 2020 as we continue to expand our mission and transform lives. Each month we celebrate holy communion during worship. We come to God’s table and share a simple meal of bread and juice. This table, the communion table, represents our understanding of God’s love for each of us, a table of sacrifice, a table of service, a table of repentance, but most of all a table of hope where everyone is welcome.
If you are seeking God, if God is seeking you or you simply need a church home, we have a place at our table.
Faithfully, Lee