Please say the following prayers with those in your vehicle. Feel free to add your own prayers as God leads you to do so!
High School (9th-12th)
Lord, today we come to you and ask prayers for not just Prairie Grove High School, but all the high schools that house your children.
We know that in these walls, students will be transformed into young adults given all the tools and necessities they need to step into the world. Lord, even as uncertainty looms, we know and trust that you will remain constant. Constant protection. Constant love. Constant grace. Please be with our students as they navigate these months and years that look a lot different than they expected. Guard their heart as they have to adjust and conquer hard things this year, and remind them of your never ceasing love that is with them through the failures and victories. Lord, we pray that these students will show the proper respect for the authorities you have placed over them. Help them to speak and act in a way that is respectful of all teachers, administrators, school staff, and their peers.
Lord, we also come to you in prayers for the teachers, administrators, and staff. Working with teenagers who are almost adults surely deserves a special place in Heaven, right? We pray that each and every day our teachers and staff feel protected, loved, and supported by not only the community, but most importantly, the church. As they prepare for a new year, fill them with strength to lead, grace to guide, and hope to thrive in their classroom. Bless them beyond measure as they face the unknown to continue to pour into these students in more ways than one.
In your blessed name
Elementary School (PreK-4th)
Here God, we pray for our small but mighty brothers and sisters in Christ! Thank you Lord for Your divine protection over our children. Keep them safe as they travel to and from school. Protect them from any physical harm while they are in school. I stand on Your Word that no weapon formed against them will prosper. I thank you that Your angels stand guard over them and surround them like a shield. Guard their hearts and minds as they step out to meet new friends. Let negative words or comments, roll off them and not take root in their souls. Cover them as they navigate this new school year and guide them in the right direction. You’ve wired each of these children uniquely different to satisfy your purpose for them. Let that beauty shine as they head back to school and engage with others. Help others to see the good in them and help them to see the good in others. Father direct them to the relationships you want them to be in and protect them from the ones that could hurt them. Lord, I pray that they are placed with the right teachers who will walk in understanding with them, but also challenge them to be their best.
God, we also pray for our elementary school teachers, staff, and administrators. Let these individuals be exactly what the students need during this time. Help them counsel the anxious, crack the covering of the shy, and temper the rambunctious with a gentle attitude. Give them inspiration to teach our kids that learning does not end as they walk out the classroom door, just as they carry the Light of Christ outside of the church. Lord, keep our teachers safe. They are embarking on a job that looks a whole lot different than what they signed up for, but Lord they are willing to show up and try their hardest. Let us as your church remember to feed them, both physically and spiritually as they most certainly will function with empty cups more often than not. When they feel unseen and under appreciated, remind them that You see everything and are abundantly pleased with the work they are doing. Keep them safe and keep them healthy so they can continue to teach our future.
Lord, hear our prayers. Amen
Middle School/Jr. High (5th-8th)
Lord, is there anything better than a middle school/jr high student?! In a time where they are so uncertain with themselves and everything around them, Lord- we start to see the true disciples they are becoming. While it may be awkward and hard, it is authentic enough that we get to see you working in big ways in their hearts and their minds. We are so very thankful that you are equipping these students to learn and work hard, not just for grades, but because they desire to please you, God. Help them when they feel tired, weary, anxious, undeserving, alone, and afraid. Help us to know when they need to be lifted up and when they need to be gently nudged back into the groove. More than anything, we pray they grow to understand and desire that the work they do both inside and out of the schools is to glorify You. As these students experience many life changes at this age, Lord, we pray that they start to understand the meaning of grace and how to extend it to others and themselves. Keep them safe as they tread new waters with lockers, and switching classes, and the freedom that comes with growing up. Guide them to those who will be true friends and open their hearts and minds to be a friend like Jesus was.
Lord we also pray for our middle school and jr. high teachers, staff, and administrators. Prepare their hearts to welcome and love our children, and may we make sure to show them love and respect in turn. Give them grace as they help students who aren’t thriving, courage to say what needs to be said, tools and knowledge on how and when to speak love, and strength when they feel weak. Bless them Lord, and may they see even just a glimpse of how their faithfulness and love will forever impact generations to come. Let them see the face of your Son, Jesus, when they look in the face of their students. We are forever grateful for the work they do and Lord we ask that you continue to keep them safe and healthy this year as they fulfill their calling.
Administration Building
Dear God, we come to you today asking your blessing on our school administrators. We are thankful that they have answered the call to lead our teachers and schools so that our children might learn in a safe and nurturing environment conducive to academic and personal success. Bless our school administrators with wisdom, integrity, a sense of humor, patience and the physical and mental energy equal to their tasks. Bless them with strong support from parents, teachers and the community.
As we pray, we are aware that being a school administrator can be a lonely and difficult job. Please send them encouragers and relieve them of demanding workloads that prevent them from having quality family and personal time. Show them healthy ways to relieve stress and ways to stay active physically. Help them feel loved and accepted by You in their most difficult professional and personal times. Reward our school administrators by allowing them to see the fruits of their labor displayed in the success of their teachers and students. Give our school administrators joy in seeing their school become a central part of the greater community, a place that has a family feel.
Lord, in this building decisions are made. Some are hard, some are easy. Some take courage, some take time, and some take guidance that only You can provide. Lord, as we enter the school year in a pandemic, we ask that you place an overwhelming amount of knowledge and guidance on those that we trust our students and staff with. Help them have ears to listen, courage to lead, and a desire to show Christ-like leadership with their actions. Let them be fair. Let them be equal.
We pray specifically that they can remain healthy and safe. We need their leadership Lord to keep our schools a place that parents feel safe sending their students and our teachers and staff feel safe coming to work.
We are grateful for their service that is often scrutinized and rarely praised. Let us be a source of encouragement for them as they navigate uncharted territory. Amen.
Prayer for the parents (in your driveway)
Gracious God, we feel it would be silly to not pray for the students learning virtually this year. It is a new way of school and we pray that they can stay focused and committed to the education our schools are providing. Give them patience to endure online teaching and teach them how to extend grace to their parents and teachers trying to make it work. Lord, most importantly, let them not feel alone. We know that taking them out of the classroom is also removing them from their largest space of friendship and companionship. Help them find ways to connect to their friends and teachers in a way that doesn’t feel distanced. Remind them that we as their church, friends, and peers are here for them and willing and able to be a friend when they need it.
Lord, as we approach a school year that is completely different than it has ever been, we ask specifically that you wrap your arms around the parents and caretakers of these students. They are worried about taking care of the home, taking care of the school work, taking care of their job, and finding time for themselves and to worship You. Lord, give them patience, give them wisdom, and give them an abundance of grace as they send their children into the schools or keep them at home and try to become the teacher. Let them know that they are not alone and that we the church are here to support and love them. Give them the strength to ask for help when needed and give them the energy to help others when they can. Remind them of your never failing love as they wonder if they are making the right decision.
In your precious and holy name, Amen