Below is the order of worship for Sunday, April 25, 2021. Please follow along in person or live on Facebook and use this to sing the lyrics to our praise music, participate in prayers, and prepare for reading scripture and hearing the sermon.
Welcome & Announcements
Prelude (The light of Christ enters the world)
Call to Worship – Based upon Acts 4:5-12
Leader: The Suffering Servant becomes the healing source.
People: The stone rejected becomes hope’s cornerstone.
Leader: The Crucified One is raised to new life.
ALL: The God of healing, hope and life is in our midst: Let us celebrate and worship our good God!
Open The Eyes Of My Heart
Open the eyes of my heart Lord
Open the eyes of my heart
I want to see You
I want to see You
To see You high and lifted up
Shining in the light of Your glory
Pour out Your power and love
As we sing holy holy holy
Holy holy holy
Holy holy holy
Holy holy holy
I want to see You
Congregational Greeting Time “Wave to your neighbor.”
(Social distancing must be maintained with masks)
I’ll Fly Away
Verse 1
Some glad morning when this life is o’er
I’ll fly away
To a home on God’s celestial shore
I’ll fly away
I’ll fly away O glory I’ll fly away
When I die hallelujah by and by
I’ll fly away
Verse 2
When the shadows of this life have grown
I’ll fly away
Like a bird from prison bars has flown
I’ll fly away
I’ll fly away O glory I’ll fly away
When I die hallelujah by and by
I’ll fly away
Verse 3
Just a few more weary days and then
I’ll fly away
To a land where joys shall never end
I’ll fly away
I’ll fly away O glory I’ll fly away
When I die hallelujah by and by
I’ll fly away
Prayer & Offering
Lord’s Prayer
Our Father Who Art In Heaven,
Hallowed Be Thy Name.
Thy Kingdom Come.
Thy Will Be Done
On Earth As It Is In Heaven.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread,
And Forgive Us Our Trespasses,
As We Forgive Those Who Trespass Against Us,
And Lead Us Not Into Temptation,
But Deliver Us From Evil.
For Thine Is The Kingdom,
And The Power, And The Glory,
For Ever And Ever
Ministry Moment
Doug Stumbaugh – Special Announcement
Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)
Verse 1
Amazing grace how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me
I once was lost but now I’m found
Was blind but now I see
Verse 2
‘Twas grace that taught my heart to fear
And grace my fears relieved
How precious did that grace appear
The hour I first believed
My chains are gone I’ve been set free
My God my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love amazing grace
Verse 3
The Lord has promised good to me
His word my hope secures
He will my shield and portion be
As long as life endures
My chains are gone I’ve been set free
My God my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy rains
Unending love amazing grace
Verse 4
The earth shall soon dissolve like snow
The sun forbear to shine
But God who called me here below
Will be forever mine
Will be forever mine
You are forever mine
Scripture: Acts 1:15 – 26 New Living Translation
15 During this time, when about 120 believers were together in one place, Peter stood up and addressed them. 16 “Brothers,” he said, “the Scriptures had to be fulfilled concerning Judas, who guided those who arrested Jesus. This was predicted long ago by the Holy Spirit, speaking through King David. 17 Judas was one of us and shared in the ministry with us.”
18 (Judas had bought a field with the money he received for his treachery. Falling headfirst there, his body split open, spilling out all his intestines. 19 The news of his death spread to all the people of Jerusalem, and they gave the place the Aramaic name Akeldama, which means “Field of Blood.”)
20 Peter continued, “This was written in the book of Psalms, where it says, ‘Let his home become desolate, with no one living in it.’ It also says, ‘Let someone else take his position.’
21 “So now we must choose a replacement for Judas from among the men who were with us the entire time we were traveling with the Lord Jesus— 22 from the time he was baptized by John until the day he was taken from us. Whoever is chosen will join us as a witness of Jesus’ resurrection.”
23 So they nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias. 24 Then they all prayed, “O Lord, you know every heart. Show us which of these men you have chosen 25 as an apostle to replace Judas in this ministry, for he has deserted us and gone where he belongs.” 26 Then they cast lots, and Matthias was selected to become an apostle with the other eleven.
Sermon: REVIVE – Matthias
My Life Is In You
My life is in You Lord
My strength is in You Lord
My hope is in You Lord
In You it’s in You
My life is in You Lord
My strength is in You Lord
My hope is in You Lord
In You it’s in You
I will praise You
With all of my life
I will praise You
With all of my strength
With all of my life
With all of my strength
All of my hope is in You
In You