Nursery to Young Adult

Preschool is also located in the West Hallway and is for kids age 3-5 who have not yet started elementary school.
BEACH is Sunday school for early elementary students. BEACH is Being Excited About CHrist and the students have an experience learning about God’s Word. It is located down the East Hallway
Roar is Sunday school for upper elementary students. ROAR is in honor of Jesus as the Lion of Judah. Students explore Bible stories and learn about faith. This class is located down the East Hallway.
Club Mid is Sunday school for current middle school students and is a way to find out about how the Holy Spirit lights the way for us to be a light in the world. It is located in the East Hallway.
Junior High is for current 7th-9th grade students and their Sunday school classroom is located at the end of the East Hallway. As they navigate life as young teens, they also learn about growing their faith.
Senior High is for current 10th-12th grade students and Sunday school is in a classroom at the end of the East Hallway. They are learning about how to Holy Spirit guides them through their teen years and into adulthood.